ヤマハ ティアラ120R
Crown 2017
Pure love. possible future sale, either configuration plus spares.
never seen another Tiara in Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, so rare!
never seen another Tiara in Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, so rare!
- 評価 (5点満点)
総合評価 ★★★スタイル ★★★パワー ★★★ブレーキ ★★★サス・足周り ★★★燃費 ★★★
- 年式
- `99
- カスタム内容
Configuration I. Daily use: Standard bore, medium porting, rear sprocket.
Configuration II. Performance use:
increased displacement to 124cc, slightly ported. slow jet from TZR125, main jet #170, enlarged inlet of airbox. Yamaha Mate (smallest) rear-sprocket.large front sprocket, no head gasket increased compression, top piston ring only increased compression, replaced most nuts and bolts reduced weight and common tool. ported front disc reduces heat and weight. aero-mirrors decrease wind resistance. old helmet visor as windscreen.removed heel-shift (gear lever) better agility and sporty ride. - 街乗り燃費
- 18kmぐらい
- 高速燃費
- 25kmぐらい
- 購入の動機
- love at first site. 50,000Yen
- 長所
- rare collector`s piece. low centre-of-gravity. slim. Yamaha special upstroke piston design 119cc(discontinued production), Power-to-weight and fuel-efficiency >,= 125cc 2T. excellent handling and braking. Lowest seat in bike class (good for non-tall riders:).
- 短所
discontinued production, hence, unavailability of parts. secret reason Yamaha cancelled production is due to special piston design, not faulty design, but combination of factors could cause piston fracture approximate to exhaust port. This would only occur with negligent maintenance. Good or average maintenance, fracture will not occur.
CDI rev-limiter circuit is next to pulse circuit, can burn out under prolonged over-revving (derestrict drill!) - 投稿者
- Crown 2017
- ホームページ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwicTKbWam4/
- HPの紹介
- -
- 投稿日
- 2017年7月14日